пʼятниця, 6 березня 2009 р.

Should Drugs Be Banned in Sport?

Nataliya Byzova and Tetiana Pikush after deliberating "Drugs in Sport" with 6th graders on 27 February 2009
What the students think (areas of agreement):
I' d like to present our group's (6-Г grade) areas of agreement:

Drugs can cause problems with health. If sportsmen use drugs during competition, they feel full of energy. But stimulants make them feel washed out after the competitions. Drugs make them aggressive. Taking drugs is the road to a lot of deseases, even cancer and infertility. Sportsmen get used to taking drugs and sportsmen can die. Some beta blockers can influence a nervous system in such a way that sportsmen can become invalids.
Why should sportsmen risk their lives for the sake of a victory?
~Taking part in competitions should be honest, sportsmen should demonstrate their natural srength or results of training.

Ann Alenkova, 6-Г
I am glad to present the areas of agreement of my group(6-Б).
We think that drugs should be banned in sport because they are dangerous for health.
Drugs in big doses and used regularly cause cancer, raise blood pressure, make sportsmen more aggressive then usual, give the feeling of alarm...

Bohdan Hirenko, 6-Б

I present our group of 6-Б class.
Some sportsmen don't want to work hard and they use drugs. They want to be the winners. Some coaches propose drugs or make them do it. But steroids, for example, cause liver cancer or other serious problems. Beta blockers used in large doses can cause even death. Stimulants make you full of energy, but you will be more aggressive. And after that you feel exhausted and washed out. And you can have different psychical injuries Mostly you will become addicted of drugs. You can die without them. Some sportsmen died in this way. So, if you want to save your life and lives of your "dear and near", don't use drugs.

Ella Yevtushenko, 6-Б

субота, 28 лютого 2009 р.

Cranford Hillside Avenue School, NJ (USA)


Cranford Hillside Avenue School, NJ (USA) is a partner of Kyiv Troyeshchyna gymnasium (Ukraine). Our first common project is Deliberating in a Democracy.

Hillside Avenue School is located in Cranford, NJ and is one of 7 schools in Cranford Township School District. It is a public school that serves 679 students in grades K-8.

вівторок, 30 грудня 2008 р.

Best wishes!!!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

May the New Year bring you a lot of happiness and joy!!

Nataliya Byzova