понеділок, 24 грудня 2007 р.

Step 3: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

May this year bring you lots of love and happiness!!! Be healthy, wealthy and wise!

Best wishes to you and your families, Nataliya Byzova

Hey New Kids, check this out! Japan (Kurisumasu Omedeto!): The Japanese people borrowed Christmas and made it their own. Hoteiosho, a kind old man, carries a huge pack with gifts for children. (With eyes in the back of his head, he sees who is naughty or nice.) Many Japanese embrace the Western traditions that were introduced by Christian missionaries. Others take the secular festivities over the top with massive light displays, decorations seemingly everywhere, evergreens and mistletoe hanging and almost anyone and anything dressed for the season (as shown). Come Christmas, families present gifts and sing carols, and some people also enjoy turkey dinner.

Best regards,
Robert Leifels

P.S. The photo was sent by Robert Leifels, the USA

пʼятниця, 21 грудня 2007 р.

Step 2: Pupils of the 9th "Г" Grade and the teacher after deliberating compulsory voting
Voting Should Be Compulsory.
First, I think that every democratic country should have compulsory voting. It increases voter turnout. Second, it removes socioeconomic difference in electoral participation. Elections are for the people to choose the candidate whom they want. Many governments do not have compulsory voting and people refuse to vote. That's why these countries are not democracies.
In countries with compulsory voting people who do not want to vote can vote "against all" in the ballot. At elections people's thoughts are very important. If people choose not to vote without a valid reason, they will have to pay a small fine.
If people do not come to the polls, elections will be senseless. So I think voting should be compulsory.
Iryna Oleshchenko, 9-"Б" Grade

вівторок, 4 грудня 2007 р.

Step 1: Pupils of the 9th "Б" Grade after deliberating compulsory voting

Voting Should not Be Compulsory

I think that voting should not be compulsory. People should have the right to choose what they want - to vote on not to vote. Forcing people to vote betrays core democratic principles. We should not force people to vote. It is not right. People who are required (but not interested ) to vote will not become cleverer or know more about the candidate.

What could be done if this voting is not interesting for them? - Give them more information that voting will not be be tampered with by election officials.

In my opinion, people should have the right to choose what they want to do.

Anastasiya Klepikova, 9- "Г" Grade

Hello everyone!!!

SHOULD VOTING Be Compulsory?

You are welcome to share your thoughts ...

Nataliya Byzova