вівторок, 4 грудня 2007 р.

Step 1: Pupils of the 9th "Б" Grade after deliberating compulsory voting

Voting Should not Be Compulsory

I think that voting should not be compulsory. People should have the right to choose what they want - to vote on not to vote. Forcing people to vote betrays core democratic principles. We should not force people to vote. It is not right. People who are required (but not interested ) to vote will not become cleverer or know more about the candidate.

What could be done if this voting is not interesting for them? - Give them more information that voting will not be be tampered with by election officials.

In my opinion, people should have the right to choose what they want to do.

Anastasiya Klepikova, 9- "Г" Grade

Hello everyone!!!

SHOULD VOTING Be Compulsory?

You are welcome to share your thoughts ...

Nataliya Byzova

8 коментарів:

Nataliya Byzova сказав...

My dear pupils,

I am very glad to see you here. Hope you will enjoy this project.

Good luck!

Andrey G. сказав...

Greetings my friends! My name is Andrey. I cheerful, amicable and am glad to all! I like this project because I am interested in the politician of the country and I wish it to improve better to live.

Nataliya Byzova сказав...

Andrey , Congratulations !!!

You are the first among students to register here. Well done!!!

Sasha M. сказав...

Hello to everyone! I'm a pupil of 9 "Б" form and I like to discuss a political themes in English.

Nataliya Byzova сказав...

Sasha! Very good of you. Congratulations!!!

You are the third to join the project. Have fun!

Анонім сказав...


Nataliya Byzova сказав...

Hi, Zhenya!

It is great to see you here! Well done!

iryna сказав...

Hello! I am very glad to be here